Adventures with Koko Phat, Spills, and Maddie (nickname pending)

The train ride from San Diego to San Juan Capistrano is surprisingly easy, and I highly recommend it if you need to get from one city to the next. It's a quick hour-and-a-half ride (unlike Mirek's 5-hour schlep from San Diego to Santa Barbara).

Day 1: Impromptu Pub Crawl

When the one-and-only Koko picked me up from the train station, she asked - like any good host does - what I would like to do that day. I replied with a firm "down for whatever". Given our ambivalence about how the day should pan out, we decided to go with the flow. Here is what followed.

Stop One: We need friends

Korrie informed me that one of her friends works at the local watering hole, The Seahorse. This is an insanely cute, impeccably decorated bar in the back of a store. They also serve an amazing sour, which certainly didn't hurt. We decided to go and spend some time there hanging with Koko's friends, drinking on neon-pink couches, and catching up on all the summer had offered us.


Sorry Mirek, sunglasses staying on for this one.

Stop Two: We need a rooftop

We left the Seahorse in search of a restaurant on the water and found a place called The Deck. We soon decided that a view of the ocean wasn't worth packing ourselves into a crowded bar, yelling at Korrie while she stands 12 inches from me, and slipping on 2 inches of spilled drinks. Therefore, we decided to leave this location and opted for one of Korrie's favorites, K'ya Bistro.

Here, we were able to be on the roof overlooking the ocean, have a place to sit, and speak at a reasonable volume to one another - does this mean I'm old?

Frozé all day.

We then proceeded downstairs for some much-needed nutrition in the form of a delicious tapas-style dinner. If you know me, you know that hangry Sophie is not a Sophie with whom you want to be.

Stop Three: We need friendship bracelets

With full bellies, we headed over the Sawdust Art Festival. After perusing a few different stands and listening to the live band, we visited a stand that really spoke to us and naturally settled on buying friendship earrings.

Maybe we're not so old after all.

Stop Four: We need a brewery

We continued our party at the brewery next to the festival, Laguna Beach Beer Company accompanied by the friends from Step One. It's safe to say that at this point, we were feeling no pain.

Not quite sure what we were going for here.

Stop Five: We need to dance

Our last stop was at Sandpiper, a dive bar in downtown Laguna Beach, where we danced 'till the wee hours of the morning.


Photo is self explanatory.

Around 1am we decided that Taco Bell was in order and proceeded to walk all the way there (editor's note: 7 minutes)... only to find out they were closed. Fourth meal my ass.

We weren't about to let that deter us from having our well-earned late night food. Upon arriving home at 2am, Korrie proceeded to make a feast of epic proportions, including an omelet, roasted potatoes, and polenta. Take that, you dumb chihuahua.

Day 2: Chiiiiiiill

Upon waking up, we decided (that is, our heads decided for us) that today would be a chill day. We grabbed some food, ran a few errands, and went to the beach.


Trying to transform back into functioning humans.

Feeling rested and relaxed, that night we met up with Spills (aka Lindsey) for food and some much needed girl time.

Day 3: Hiking and Maddie

The morning of the third day we woke up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Korrie and I went for a nice 5 mile hike in a nearby canyon.

We made sure to take the "Mentally Sensitive" hike.

Back at home, Korrie once again proved her skills in the kitchen and made a delicious brunch while I had the privilege of getting to meet my new niece, Maddie!

Photo on the right was clearly not taken on this day and was instead stolen from Lindsey, but I couldn't deny you the opportunity to see those dimples!

That afternoon I said goodbye to all three ladies and hello to my book. It kept me good company for the next 3 hours until Mirek arrived from Santa Barbara.

That evening, we enjoyed a delicious beer Korrie saved specifically for Mirek, and we (read: "I") fell asleep to the soft, distant sounds of a movie fading into the background.