Dancing in Ostrava, cavorting in Karków

Colors of Ostrava

Before leaving Europe and coming home for a month, Mirek and I were able to check off one of my bucket list items - Kygo in concert.

We had been walking around Prague when I noticed a billboard with Kygo's name on it. I did a double take when I noticed the date: July 20 - 22. That happened to be the exact day my Czech class ended, and thus, it was decided. Mirek and I were going to Colors of Ostrava.


You know we love a good festival

The train ride was easy, the tickets were cheap, and the venue looked amazing. It takes place in an old, abandoned factory surrounded by smoke stacks, mines, and, you know, factory stuff.

Our first day there we had a few hours to kill before the festival, and we spent the afternoon exploring the city and finding a brewery so Mirek could get his hops on.

We then entered the festival pretty early, because in addition to music, they have a ton of art installations, craft markets, and various professional talks. It's a great way to kill time between sets.

I drank more cider at this festival then in the last year combined

And while all the artists and music was amazing, Kygo KILLED IT.

At the end of the weekend, leaving was hard... at least for me.


What Mirek was told: "look sad that we're leaving"
What Mirek heard: "give me your best Zoolander"


Ostrava is on the border of Czech and Poland, and we found a cheap flight out of Kraków. We took the opportunity to spend an extra day in Poland. It was a smooth bus ride to get there. One might even say too smooth, so I decided I would spice things up and leave my purse on the bus. Who doesn't love a trip to the good old DMV right when you get back from vacation?

But I digress, back to Kraków.

Since we only had about 24 hours in the city, there wasn't much time to do a whole lot. From what we did see, however, Kraków is adorable.


That butt-plug looks a size too large

While walking around we stumbled upon a little outdoor festival/market (Europe loves their outdoor markets), where we spent some time people watching while sipping Polish wine. We then happened upon a bar that was made specifically for Mirek.

Is there anyone more Bro than this bro?

We topped off our 24 hour pit-stop in Kraków with a few delicious pierogies.


Mirek wasn't sure what face to make, so he settled on whatever this is

Kraków: you might have been a one-night stand, but you were definitely worth it.